这意味着如有像是墨尔本CBD 暴动的暴徒、抢劫或偷窃华人车子的罪犯,一旦被判刑入狱,之前如有任何积欠或未缴纳的罚款即刻归零,移除并清空所有罚款纪录。
论语为政第二曰:”视其所以,观其所由,察其所安。人焉叟哉!” ,要检视一个政府正该如此,观察它正在做的事,检视它过往的所作所为,再回头仔细思考判断,则任何口号治国的两面手法势必都将无所遁形。
英文版/ English version
Government trying to wipe off fines for criminals
The Victorian government is trying to change the law so that criminals who get sent to jail are let off their unpaid fines.
This means if someone such as a Moomba rioter, robber or car thief gets sent to jail, any previous unpaid fines the criminal owes are removed.
This shouldn’t be allowed to happen. The previous Liberal government legislated to end it, but now the Labor government wants it to continue.
The Premier, Mr Andrews, has been talking about being tough on crime, but at the same time his government is quietly trying to make changes like this that weaken law and allow criminals to not pay their fines.
That is why the Liberal Party is trying to block this change in Parliament.