

2014年维州大选之前,工党主打的政见之一是 “救护车危机”,声称维州救护车效率低,导致延误抵达救援地点的时间。而这样的危机只有工党能够 “处理”。




在不进反退的管理中,工党在改革中做出最大的变化是给救护车工会大幅度加薪。 很遗憾的是,如此大幅度加薪并无法达到效率改善的结果。


倘若真想改善救护车反应和效率,政府需做的并非是只喊口号和大幅度加薪,相反的更需细思对整个救援系统全面评估、和前线人员沟通了解寻找问题所在,最后根据评估的资料对症下药改进问题。 直接大幅度给工会加薪简直是本末倒置,更是急病乱投医之举。



英文版/ English version

Ambulance response times not improving


Before the 2014 State election, the Victorian Labor Party claimed there was an “ambulance crisis” causing delays in ambulances reaching patients, and only the Labor Party could “fix” it.


However, the latest figures published last week show that, since the Labor government was elected, average times for ambulances to reach patients have hardly changed. In many areas, response times have actually got worse.


The main change Labor has made since it was elected is that the paramedics union has been given big pay rises. However, that has not made it quicker for ambulances to reach their patients.


Getting the best possible ambulance service will not be achieved just with slogans or pay rises. It needs careful and thoughtful improvements right across the system. This includes talking and listening to paramedics, but not simply giving the paramedics union whatever they want.