

澳大利亚海事工会 (Maritime Union of Australia) 近期发动罢工,此举造成全澳港口的关闭。

此次罢工,工会要求雇主聘用劳工成本需提高相当于50% 的涨幅金额,其中包括减低工作时数、提高周末工作薪资以及禁止雇主聘用非全职工和临时工来确保工会劳工权益。 这些狮子大开口的要求将使澳洲人工和维州港口营运成本瞬间暴涨,并进一步重挫澳洲进出口业。

在当前经济环境严峻的时期,澳洲理应提高产业效率,用以製造就业机会及维持现有生活水平。 绝对不能反其道而行,更不应纵容偏激的工会使用威胁或非法手段对整个产业和社会做出杀鸡取卵、伤筋断骨的行为。


English version/英文版

Strikes shut down Australian docks


Ports around Australia have been shut down recently by strikes called by the Maritime Union of Australia.


The union is demanding changes that would increase labour costs by over 50 per cent, including shorter hours and higher penalty rates for weekends, as well as trying to stop employers hiring casual or part time staff.


These huge pay rises and restrictive work rules would make Australian and Victoria ports much more expensive for both exporters and importers.


In these difficult economic times, Australia has to be as productive as possible in order to create jobs and maintain living standards. We can’t afford to have radical unions using threats and lawlessness to impose unreasonable costs on the rest of the community