老人的悲歌,40% 面临孤单终老
近期统计透露,住在养老院和老年护理中心的老人有将近 40% 没有任何访客拜访,面临孤单终老的寂寞。
树欲静而风不止,子欲养而亲不待。 如果你也有父母或亲友住在老人院,抽空去看看他们吧,别让他们孤单,也别给自己的心中留下遗憾。
英文版/English version
40% of nursing home residents have no visitors
It was revealed recently that around 40% of all residents in nursing homes and other aged care facilities never receive any visitors.
It is very sad that so many elderly people can be abandoned in their final years, and for day after day have no-one visit who cares for them, talks to them or holds their hand.
It is even more sad if they have children or grandchildren they long to see, but who never come to visit them.
If you have a mother, father, relative or friend living in a nursing home, can you make time to visit them soon?