
自由党将重新启用 “重大活动” 公司

在过去 25 年的岁月裡,维州在 F1 方程式赛车、白夜节、国家美术馆的冬季艺术展等重大活动上取得空前成功,影响力有目共睹。


维州成功吸引到这些活动的秘诀就在维州的 “重大活动” 公司,该公司由维州顶尖的商业成功人士管理,他们奉献宝贵的时间给其心爱的维州。 令人遗憾的是, Andrews 政府取消了这间公司,这也导致维州在保留重大活动与吸引其他重大赛事上无从下手,进退失据的窘境。

如自由国家党联盟政府于 11 月维州选举中胜出,将承诺重启维州重大活动公司。 这有助于维州再次成功吸引世界级的体育与艺术活动,重建当初的辉煌。


英文版/English version

Liberals to re-establish major events company


Over the last twenty-five years, Victoria has been very successful in attracting major events such as the Formula 1 Grand Prix, White Night, the Winter Masterpieces at the National Gallery and international sporting events.


This has led to a huge increase in international and interstate visitor numbers, as well as providing outstanding events for Victorians to see.


Victoria’s success in attracting these events has been due to the Victorian Major Events Company, which was run by leading Victorian business people who donated their time to help their State. Regrettably, Premier Andrews abolished this company, and Victoria is now struggling to attract and keep major events.


The Liberal Nationals have committed to restore the Victorian Major Events Company if they are elected at November’s state election. This will help Victoria again attract world-class sporting and artistic events to Victoria.