
2014 政黨輪替後的維州就業數據

上週政府公佈的維州就業數據著實令人擔憂。工黨去年當選前承諾人民會在兩年內創造10萬個全職工作機會。維州的就業狀況反而在過去十多個月內急轉直下,政府不但一個新的全職機會也沒創造,反而讓維州丟失 7800 個全職工作機會。

對比新州的州長 Mike Baird 在過去十多個月內創造的 84,000 個新的全職工作機會而言實在有如天壤之別。 不幸的是維州人民正不斷為了州長 Andrews 的愚蠢決議買單,從東西環線 (East West Link),新的國訂假日 (extra public holiday) 到一次又一次妥協工會不合理的要求。



Jobs figures a concern for Victoria

 The latest statistics on jobs creation released last week are worrying for Victoria.

 Before they were elected last year, the Labor Party promised to create 100,000 full-time jobs over two years.

 However, after ten months in office, the government hasn’t created any additional full-time jobs. In fact, Victoria has lost 7,800 full time jobs since the Labor government was elected.

 By comparison, in NSW, under Premier Mike Baird, 84,000 new full-time jobs have been created in the last ten months.

 Unfortunately, confidence in Victoria is suffering from foolish decisions by Premier Andrews, such as abandoning East West Link, having an extra public holiday and giving in to unjustified pay rise demands by unions.