
Myki 缺陷众所皆知,墨尔本需要更好的票务系统

上周报导指出维州政府将维持使用 Myki 大众运输票务系统至少再 6 年之久。

在种种条件下,这样的决定着实令人费解。 政府在此前拒绝了一家公司的提案,这家叫 Cubic 的公司成功设计并运行多个国家的大众运输票务系统,其中也包括伦敦知名的 Oyster 票务系统。 Cubic 原定提案使用更先进与更稳定的系统来取代现今为人诟病已久的 Myki 票务系统。


虽然近年来 Myki 已做过多次改良,相比最初 Myki 问世时已不可同日而语,但许多瑕疵与不够稳定及便利仍旧是其致命伤。

让我们的大众运输票务系统能与世界接轨,使用类似伦敦更稳定好用的 Oyster 票务系统对于大众运输进步而言应是个很好的机会,但很可惜的被政府拒绝了。



英文版/ English version

Melbourne needs better ticket system


It was also reported last week that the State government is going to keep Melbourne’s Myki public transport ticket system for at least another six years.


This seems a strange decision, because the government rejected a proposal by Cubic, the company that runs the London Oyster system and many other systems, to take over our ticket system.


Melbourne’s transport ticketing for many years has lagged behind other major cities, including London, Singapore, Shanghai and Taiwan. It has been frustrating for locals and difficult for visitors.


While improvements have been made to Myki in recent years, having our system become more like London’s Oyster system seems a huge opportunity for improvement that the State government has rejected.