

今年三月份在 Doncaster 發生的 Masa Vukotic 被謀殺的悲劇帶給我們許多的省思,上週我在議會正式呼籲我們在強化法制的執行上仍有許多工作要做。


同等的改革不只需要在法制的層面上推動,更需要法院的同步配合。 否則若單方面允許提高法院刑罰判決的上限,但法院的判決中卻沒有酌情引用執行的話則仍是不足。

以前自由黨聯盟政府一旦發現法律有所不足時就迅速反應並推動改革來彌補現有法律的不足, 望如今的工黨政府也能做到如此才能不辜負人民的期待。


Sex offender laws – more must be done

 Last week in Parliament I called for more to be done to strengthen Victoria’s legal system following the tragic murder of Masa Vukotic in Doncaster in March.

 We need to look at tougher restrictions on granting bail, greater use of electronic monitoring to track offenders, better sharing of information about offenders between police and other authorities, and sentences that will better protect the community.

 It’s not enough simply to increase the maximum sentences that courts can impose, if the courts don’t in practice increase the sentences they actually impose. 

 The previous Coalition government strengthened the legal system and acted to fix problems whenever they emerged. The current government must do the same.