国家教育数据 (NAPLAN) 上週公佈的资料显示,儘管联邦政府对维州投入大量的教育经费,但维州教育水平依旧停滞不前,完全不符预期。
州长 Daniel Andrews 在车牌上的标语改成 “维州-教育之州” ,但标语虽改,可惜却没有实际行动,州长并未对维州学童的教育水平做出改善。
学如逆水行舟,不进则退,在全球化的环境下,教育原地踏步无疑是学童竞争力的大幅退步。 维州的家长和学童都值得拥有更好的教育环境,而孩童更是我们国家未来的希望。
英文版/English version
Victorian education standards not improving
National education figures (NAPLAN) released last week show that education standards in Victoria are not improving, despite all of the extra education funds that the Commonwealth government has given to the Victorian government.
By the time they reach Year 9, Victorian students are performing poorly in numeracy, spelling and grammar, and writing skills have got worse in recent years.
Premier Andrews changed Victoria’s number plates to say “Victoria – The Education State”, but he has not provided better education standards for Victorian children.
Victoria’s students and families deserve better. We need a government that will ensure our children learn the basic skills of reading, writing and numeracy and achieve high standards.