

根据最新数据,澳洲经济年增长为 3.4% ,在开发国家中,年增长率甚至超越了当前领导世界的 G7七国集团的经济表现,交出一张亮眼的成绩单。

过去五年中,澳洲创造超过 100 万个工作机会,失业率更是自 2012 年以来的最低点。




英文版/English version

Federal Liberals creating jobs and growth


The latest figures show that Australia’s national economy is growing at 3.4% per annum. This is higher than every country in the G7 group of leading world economies.


In the past five years, Australia has created more than 1,000,000 extra jobs, and unemployment is now at its lowest level since 2012.


The Federal Liberal government has reduced income tax for individuals and company tax for small businesses, negotiated new trade deals with China, Japan and Korea, reduced the budget deficit and increased Australia’s exports.


While many media reporters like to be critical of Australia’s Liberal Nationals government, it is achieving a lot to make Australia a better place to live.