自由党将反对延长 CityLink 收费
维州自由党领袖 Matthew Guy 宣布,自由党反对 Andrews 政府试图对使用 CityLink 的驾驶徵收更多的费用,自由党也将尽力制止该政策的实施。
在 CityLink 当初收费承诺即将到期之日,Andrews 政府希望延长 12 年收费时间,强制对使用CityLink 的驾驶徵收过路费以支付 West Gate 隧道的项目。
West Gate 隧道项目是开发一条自 West Gate 高速公路,一路到 Bolte 大桥北面的隧道计画。 然则多数行经 CityLink 的驾驶并不会使用 West Gate 高速公路,更不会再该项目中受益。
有鑑于此,对墨尔本北部、东部和东南部的驾驶,强制徵收额外 12 年的过路费是不公平的,因为这群驾驶可能永远也不会使用那条道路,却需支付相应的过路费。
基于公平,信守承诺与使用者付费的原则下,这也正是为何自由党联盟将在议会对强制收费的政策投下反对票,试图阻止破坏公平与承诺,延长 CityLink 收费用以支付 West Gate 隧道的方式。
英文版/Enlish version
Liberals to fight against more CityLink tolls
Victorian Liberal leader, Matthew Guy, has announced that the Liberal Party will fight to stop the Andrews government from charging more tolls on motorists who use CityLink.
Premier Andrews wants to force motorists who use CityLink to pay tolls for an extra 12 years to help pay for his West Gate Tunnel project
However, the West Gate Tunnel is a proposed road that will run from the West Gate Freeway to north of the Bolte Bridge. Most motorists who drive on CityLink won’t use the West Gate Freeway or get any benefit from it.
It’s not fair to force motorists from Melbourne’s north, east and south-east to be forced to pay to tolls for an extra 12 years for a road they may never use. That’s why the Liberal Nationals Coalition will vote in Parliament to try to stop any extension of CityLink tolls to pay for the West Gate Tunnel.