



这置罪犯为先,受害者为后的观念,在自由党政府的领导下将产生天翻地复的变化。 首先自由党会更贴切的倾听民意,犯罪的受害者可受邀参与司法改革相关讨论,并提供建议。 新法通过前,也将评估该法案是否能维护受害者权益。



英文版/English version

Liberals to put victims first


If the Liberal-Nationals Coalition is elected in Victoria next year, it will put crime victims first instead of criminals.


Under the Labor government, victims of crime have been treated as second class citizens, and the justice system has been too much about looking after criminals instead of looking after victims.


This will change under a Liberal-Nationals government.  Victims of crime will be consulted about all new justice-related legislation, and all proposals for new justice laws will first be assessed for whether they are compatible with victims’ rights, before they can proceed to become law.


As well as protecting the rights of victims, and Liberal-Nationals government will ensure stronger sentences, bail laws and parole laws that will properly protect our community.