Box Hill 与 ”飞天猪”,2019 年新年节庆
上週我很高兴参加 “2019年 Box Hill 中国新年喜迎飞天猪”,媒体与社交网路平台发佈会。
新年的活动主题是 “吉祥飞天猪” ,宗旨是延续 Box Hill 活动节庆的有趣及与众不同的风格,再次为华人区的节庆活动史写下一篇佳话。
2019 年 Box Hill 新年活动将于 2月2日星期六上午在 Box Hill 购物中心、Main 街和 Market 街路段举行,时间从上午 11 点开始至隔天凌晨 1点结束。
该节庆活动也将包含 “澳大利亚与中国食品饮料日” (Australia China Food and Beverage Day)一同进行,採用澳洲优质食材,展现中国不同地区的美食特色,呈现独特又道地的风格。
英文版/English version
Box Hill’s “Flying Pig” 2019 New Year Festival
I was pleased to attend the media and social media launch last week for the 2019 Box Hill Chinese New Year Festival.
The theme chosen by the festival organisers is the “Year of the Flying Pig”, aiming to continue to make Box Hill’s festival interesting and different.
The 2019 Box Hill festival will be on Saturday, 2nd February in the Box Hill Mall, Main Street and Market Street, Box Hill, from 11am in the morning until 1am the next day.
The festival will also include an Australia China Food and Beverage Day, with food in the style of many different regions across China, using high quality local Victorian produce.
To find out more, email