CFA 消防局抗争,情节起伏犹如电影情节
工党政府的紧急服务部长因认为州长这次举动太过份,反对州长给消防工会(UFU) 否决权,因此主动请辞。 随后州长 Andrews 政府强制解散不愿签企业协议的 CFA 董事会,就在一切彷彿落到工会掌握之时,最高法院半路杀出程咬金。
维州最高法院临时发出禁令,禁止 CFA 在未顾及多数为维州拼命的消防义工权益前签署这类企业协议。 最高法院如此强行介入,不排除也已开始怀疑 Andrews 政府通过类似威胁逼迫的方式令 CFA 低头不成后,强行解散 CFA 董事会的作风已涉及违法。
CFA消防义工为救火的奋不顾身, 为维州的赴汤蹈火,以及与社区居民间的守望相助精神早已深植人心。 CFA 消防义工在维州人心中无疑已是人民英雄,也因此 Andrews州长为工会利益而打击 CFA 义工之举不但严重引起 CFA 董事会抗议、工党州政府部长离心辞职、总理关切到现今的最高法院强行介入。
事件爆发至今持续发酵, CFA 义工们前途依旧未卜,一群小虾米为了信念与坚持团结力抗大鲸鱼的故事还在持续。 这是一个和维州每个人息息相关的重要事件,更值得所有人密切关注此事件的后续发展
英文版/ English version
Country Fire Authority crisis continues
The crisis over the future of Victoria’s Country Fire Authority (CFA) continues to grow.
On Friday, the Minister for Emergency Services resigned because she opposed Premier Andrews agreeing to give powers to the firefighters union (UFU) that would let them veto decisions by the CFA.
Then, the Andrews government dismissed the Board of the CFA because they also would not agree to give veto powers to the UFU.
However, Victoria’s Supreme Court has issued an order prohibiting the CFA from entering such an agreement until they have sought the views of the volunteers who fight fires in country Victoria.
This may mean that the Andrews government has acted illegally in sacking the CFA Board.