
State News and Issues

  • Liberals have values and ideas to make people’s lives better

    In the wake of the Victorian election defeat, the Liberal Party needs to get back to doing what any political party should always do, namely apply our principles and values to the problems and opportunities ... Read More

    GPS ankle bracelets for car-jackers and home invaders

    A Liberal Nationals Victorian government will require criminals who commit home invasions or car jackings to be fitted with GPS tracking anklets when they are released from jail. GPS tracking anklets allow authorities to monitor ... Read More

    Free rego for red P platers

    A Matthew Guy Liberal Victorian government will give red P-platers a $295 "rego"saving by scrapping the registration component for first-year drivers. Red P platers will pay just the TAC component that helps people injured in ... Read More

    Liberals to provide $195 million for grassroots sport

    The Liberal Nationals have committed $195 million for grassroots sport to help local sports clubs get the facilities they need, as well as upgrading school sports grounds for shared use with community sports clubs. Supporting ... Read More

    Daytime PSOs at stations across Melbourne, including Box Hill

    Protective Services Officers have been a great success in keeping our stations safe and giving people the confidence to travel at night. This Liberal Nationals move to have PSOs during the daytime at Box Hill ... Read More

    Free school books for students under Liberals

    Families with students at government secondary schools will no longer have to pay for school textbooks if a Liberal Nationals state government is elected in November. This will save up to $1,000 a year for ... Read More

    Liberals’ building fund for Catholic and independent schools

    Many Victorian families work hard to earn the money to send their children to Catholic or independent schools. However, those schools receive little state government assistance for new or upgraded buildings. In many parts of ... Read More

    European-style high speed rail for Victoria

    This Liberal Nationals commitment for European-style high speed rail in Victoria has the potential to transform our state, taking the pressure off Melbourne and opening up fast access to and from our regional centres. It ... Read More

    Help for children with autism and their families

    Children with autism and their families can face huge challenges in life. We are still struggling as a society to understand the seemingly ever-growing numbers of children with autism, and how best to give them ... Read More

    4,000 new Tasers for Victoria Police

    A Liberal Nationals government will provide 4,000 new Tasers for Victoria Police to use against violent offenders. Tasers incapacitate an offender with an electric charge so they can be subdued and arrested. With 4,000 additional ... Read More

    A fair go for boaties

    A Victorian Liberal Nationals government will use all of the revenue raised from boat licence and other fees to put $27.7 million a year into upgrading boat ramps, jetties, etc. This is good news for ... Read More

    Better home-based health care

    A Matthew Guy Liberal Nationals Government will provide $175 million in funding to expand community and home-based care, and support for Victorians with chronic disease who can safely be treated outside hospital. This will mean ... Read More

    The Liberals’ crime solutions

    Over the past three years, there's been a huge increase in violent crime and loss of respect for the law. We need the Liberal Nationals’ solutions to help make our homes and streets safe. From ... Read More
    Labor rort, you pay

    Labor rort, you pay

    Labor have used their numbers to block every attempt to have the Legislative Assembly hold rorting Labor MPs to account. Geoff Shaw was held to account in the previous Parliament, but Labor won't apply the ... Read More

    Liberals to establish Retirement Housing Ombudsman

    A Liberal Nationals government will introduce a Retirement Housing Ombudsman to ensure older Victorians living in retirement housing are treated fairly and honestly and can enjoy a comfortable and secure retirement. It's an initiative I ... Read More

    Protecting our suburbs

    A Liberal Nationals government will introduce strict new planning rules within its first 100 days of office to protect the liveability and character of our residential streets and neighbourhoods. This will help protect suburbs across ... Read More
    Make Victoria Safe - Crime Solutions

    Strong plan needed to tackle rising crime

    The latest crime statistics show that home invasions are up by 48% since the Andrews government was elected. Violent crime is continuing to rise in Victoria, even though it is falling in NSW. Thousands of ... Read More
    Wire rope barriers

    Botched wire rope barrier roll-out puts lives at risk

    The installation of kilometres of wire rope barriers on Victorian country roads so close to the roadway has been an appalling breach of VicRoads' own design guidelines. Sooner or later, it's likely to end in ... Read More
  • GPS ankle bracelets for car-jackers and home invaders

    A Liberal Nationals Victorian government will require criminals who commit home invasions or car jackings to be fitted with GPS tracking anklets when they are released from jail. GPS tracking anklets allow authorities to monitor ... Read More

    Daytime PSOs at stations across Melbourne, including Box Hill

    Protective Services Officers have been a great success in keeping our stations safe and giving people the confidence to travel at night. This Liberal Nationals move to have PSOs during the daytime at Box Hill ... Read More

    4,000 new Tasers for Victoria Police

    A Liberal Nationals government will provide 4,000 new Tasers for Victoria Police to use against violent offenders. Tasers incapacitate an offender with an electric charge so they can be subdued and arrested. With 4,000 additional ... Read More

    The Liberals’ crime solutions

    Over the past three years, there's been a huge increase in violent crime and loss of respect for the law. We need the Liberal Nationals’ solutions to help make our homes and streets safe. From ... Read More
    Make Victoria Safe - Crime Solutions

    Strong plan needed to tackle rising crime

    The latest crime statistics show that home invasions are up by 48% since the Andrews government was elected. Violent crime is continuing to rise in Victoria, even though it is falling in NSW. Thousands of ... Read More
    Victorian crime increases 2017

    Crime in Whitehorse up by 8.8%

    Crime in Whitehorse is up by 8.8% over the past year. Across Victoria, since Daniel Andrews was elected, robbery has increased by 32.4%, sexual offences by 29.8%, home invasions by a massive 54.5%, assault by ... Read More
    The tragic death of Nick Kai Hao

    Should the Brighton killer still have been in jail?

    There is growing evidence Brighton terrorist Jacqub Khayre was released because the government failed to implement a key recommendation of the Callinan parole review, despite telling the community it had done so. If Khayre had ... Read More
    Victoria the crime capital of Australia

    NSW crime rates fall while Victoria’s soar

    As the head of the NSW crime statistics bureau says: "...rates of robbery in NSW are now back to where they were in the late 1970s. Rates of home burglary and motor vehicle theft are ... Read More
    Crime up 20% - time for more police and stronger laws

    Crime up again – we need more police and stronger laws

    It's no wonder people no longer feel safe, with crime in Victoria up 10.2% last year and up 20.2% since 2014. That’s 250 more crimes being committed in Victoria EVERY DAY. Nowhere is spared. In ... Read More

    More problems for Premier’s “tough” night court claim

    More problems have emerged for Premier Andrews’ dodgy claim that his “night court” will toughen up on bail decisions. Not only is his “night court” only sitting until 9pm, but now Victoria Police are warning ... Read More

    Yet another youth justice riot

    Unbelievable. There's been yet another riot by violent juvenile offenders, and this one at the high security Barwon prison. As my colleague Georgie Crozier MP says, the fact that 16 dangerous youth offenders can run ... Read More
    Labor's priority themselves, not Victorians

    Labor’s priority is protecting themselves, not Victorians

    Instead of protecting Victorians, Labor's priority is protecting themselves. This week in State Parliament, the government should have been urgently passing legislation to tackle Victoria's law and order crisis. Instead, their priority is to have ... Read More
  • Melbourne's east ignored in state budget

    State budget ignores Melbourne’s eastern suburbs

    Regrettably, the Labor Party have shown once again they don't understand and don’t care about the needs of Melbourne’s east. Despite the Government’s boasts of surpluses and record spending, there’s not a single new project ... Read More
    Dan's tax express

    Dan’s Tax Express

    “When you tax a lot, you can spend a lot.” That’s the simple story of this year’s Victorian state budget. But are the higher taxes fair and affordable? And will the money be spent wisely? ... Read More
    Families slugged as taxes, tolls, rise

    Budget slugs families with higher taxes, tolls

    This year’s state budget is high taxing and high spending, but it leaves crucial needs neglected. For all the government’s boasting, there’s nothing to make meaningful improvement to Melbourne’s traffic congestion, no airport rail link, ... Read More
    Taxes to rise to pay for Labor's waste

    Premier Andrews must keep his “no tax increases” promise

    Having wasted $1.1 billion to not build East West Link, Premier Daniel Andrews has today refused to stand by his election promise that a Labor government would not increase taxes or introduce any new taxes ... Read More
    Labor's State Budget

    Labor’s State Budget cuts infrastructure and surplus

    Today's State budget cuts infrastructure spending and reduces the State's surplus in order to pay for a big increase in the public sector wages bill and other spending. Many of the road and rail investments ... Read More
    Labor puts safety of building workers at risk

    Labor puts safety of building workers at risk

    It is disgraceful that Daniel Andrews is prepared to put the wishes of his CFMEU mates ahead of the safety of ordinary workers. Scrapping mandatory drug and alcohol testing on building sites will not only ... Read More
    Victoria - The Union State

    Labor abolishes building industry watchdog

    Today's Herald-Sun editorial has rightly condemned Daniel Andrews' sneaky abolition of Victoria's building industry watchdog - revealed in the final sentence of a press release about whooping cough. Abolishing the watchdog will give open season ... Read More
    Ambulance secret deal

    Labor’s expensive deal with paramedics

    The deal done by Daniel Andrews with the paramedics union looks set to become an expensive benchmark for taxpayers, with a wide range of public sector wages agreements coming up for renegotiation this year. With ... Read More
    Andrews concedes to unions

    Experts warn on wage demands

    Experts are already warning of the dangers to the state's finances if Daniel Andrews gives in to unreasonable wage demands from public sector unions. The Coalition government's policy was for a guideline wage increase of ... Read More

    Andrews caught out with false claims about Construction Code

    Opposition Leader, Daniel Andrews, has again resorted to falsehood to try to defend himself. On top of claiming that no compensation would be payable for tearing up the East West Link contract, Mr Andrews is ... Read More
    Daniel Andrews' union mates Setka and Reardon

    ACCC takes court action against CFMEU alleging secondary boycott

    The Victorian Government welcomes today’s announcement by the ACCC that it has commenced legal action against the CFMEU and CFMEU officials John Setka and Shaun Reardon over the alleged secondary boycott of Boral. This decision ... Read More
    Law-abiding, safe and productive workplaces

    New construction industry Code to strengthen compliance

    New Code strengthens requirements for tenderers on Victorian government projects Promoting safe, law abiding and productive construction sites Napthine Government building a better Victoria The Victorian Coalition Government has today released a new Victorian Code ... Read More
    Law-abiding, safe and productive workplaces

    CFMEU appeal thrown out by the High Court

    CFMEU loses yet another court case Napthine Government committed to law-abiding, safe and productive construction sites Voters face a clear choice at the next election The Construction Forestry Mining and Energy Union (CFMEU) has failed ... Read More

    New appointments to the Essential Services Commission

    Minister for Finance, Robert Clark, today welcomed two new appointments to the Essential Services Commission. Ms Julie Abramson and Mr Richard Clarke both bring a wealth of experience to their roles as Commissioners. Ms Abramson ... Read More

    Drug and alcohol screening to be enforced on construction sites

    New requirements for tighter screening of drug and alcohol use at construction workplaces across Victoria will commence from 1 July, helping to ensure a safer and more secure environment for workers, Minister for Finance Robert ... Read More

    Legislation will improve building regulation and better protect consumers

    The Victorian Coalition Government has today introduced legislation into Parliament to implement reforms that will deliver far reaching improvement to the building system for Victorian consumers and builders. This Bill amends the Building Act 1993, ... Read More

    Coalition Government to better protect building consumers

    The Victorian Coalition Government today announced that it will introduce a Domestic Building Consumer Protection Fund to better protect Victorian domestic building consumers. The establishment of the Fund will further strengthen the role of the ... Read More

    Productivity Commission endorses Victorian Building and Construction Guidelines

    The Victorian Coalition Government has welcomed a draft report from the Productivity Commission that recommends that the Commonwealth, and all State and Territory Government’s adopt Victoria’s building code and implementation guidelines. The draft report from ... Read More
  • Bullied out of Victoria's fire services

    Royal Commission needed to fix our fire services

    More than 300 years of combined experience have been lost with the number of senior firefighting personnel who have been bullied out of their jobs by Premier Daniel Andrews. These are people who have sacrificed ... Read More
    Andrews must act on Melbourne port picket

    Andrews must act on Melbourne port picket

    Premier Daniel Andrews needs to act urgently to end the picket currently blockading the Webb Dock terminal at the Port of Melbourne. The picket, manned by members of the Maritime Union of Australia and the ... Read More
    Tearing the CFA apart

    CFA break-up gives union more power and downgrades volunteers

    The changes to Victoria's firefighting services announced by Premier Andrews today will allow firefighter union bosses to obtain greater control and veto powers not just over the CFA, but over Victoria's entire combined paid firefighting ... Read More
    Labor seeks power for more UFU-style deals with unions

    Labor seeks power for more UFU-style deals with unions

    The Liberal Nationals Coalition will oppose a move by the Andrews Government to give itself the power to do more UFU-style deals with public sector unions. The Fair Work (Commonwealth Powers) Amendment Bill is being ... Read More
    Costs soar but ambulances arrive no quicker

    Costs soar, but ambulances arrive no quicker

    Before the election, Daniel Andrews told Victorians our ambulance system was in crisis and he would fix it. It's now become clear all Mr Andrews has “fixed” is an expensive pay deal with the paramedics ... Read More

    Victoria hit by construction industry disruption

    Thanks to the Andrews Government’s abolition of the Victorian Code of Practice for the Building and Construction Industry, Victoria has been left wide open to union thuggery and intimidation in the construction industry. Across the ... Read More

    Unions clip Victorian taxpayers’ ticket

    Yet again, the costs of Victorian infrastructure projects are being driven up by massive pay deals under a Labor government - just like the desalination plant. As today's The Australian reports, construction workers for Melbourne's ... Read More

    CUB picket bullying caught on camera

    Premier Andrews should be condemning the thuggery and bullying on the CUB picket line, not urging the unions to keep their picket going. Backing this rogue union campaign against one of Victoria's best known companies ... Read More

    Picket line thuggery continues

    The thuggery continues at this picket line against CUB backed by the Andrews government, with a cowardly attack on an ordinary worker simply trying to do his job. The Fair Work Commission has already made ... Read More
    Dan's IR Minister backs rogue union disruption

    IR Minister backs union disruption

    This rogue union campaign against CUB is completely outside the Fair Work Act. Yet instead of condemning their actions, Victoria’s Industrial Relations Minister is urging them on. Her job should be about resolving disputes within ... Read More
    Secret CFA negotiations revealed

    Secret CFA negotiations show Premier knew of problems

    The secret negotiations revealed by the Herald Sun today show Premier Andrews knew there were big problems with Fair Work's recommended CFA deal at the same time he was out there telling volunteers there was ... Read More
    Deal risks CFA's future - Jack Rush QC

    Deal risks CFA’s future – Jack Rush QC

    The Herald Sun has published a powerful assessment of the CFA crisis by Jack Rush QC, the highly regarded counsel to Victoria’s Bushfires Royal Commission. Premier Andrews wanted the CFA to break the law. The ... Read More
  • Labor rort, you pay

    Labor rort, you pay

    Labor have used their numbers to block every attempt to have the Legislative Assembly hold rorting Labor MPs to account. Geoff Shaw was held to account in the previous Parliament, but Labor won't apply the ... Read More
    This week in Parliament 21 Sept 2017

    This week in State Parliament – 21 September 2017

    In State Parliament this week, Liberal and Nationals MPs highlighted the huge increases in energy bills that are hurting small businesses and families across Victoria, and the government’s inaction and broken promises about them. We ... Read More
    This week in Parliament - 8 September 2017

    This week in State Parliament – 8 September 2017

    In State Parliament this week, Liberal and Nationals MPs questioned the government about threats to Victoria’s electricity supply reliability over summer. We demanded answers from the government over the latest Labor rorts scandal, this time ... Read More
    This week in Parliament 24 August 2017

    This week in State Parliament – 24 August 2017

    In a shortened sitting week, Liberal and Nationals MPs highlighted the damaging effects that soaring energy bills are having on businesses and health services across Victoria. We called for all emergency workers to be able ... Read More
    This week in Parliament - 10 August 2017

    This week in State Parliament – 10 August 2017

    In the first sitting week of State Parliament after the winter recess, Liberal and Nationals MPs continued to oppose the government’s legislation to impose an unfair new tax on taxi, Uber and hire car trips ... Read More
    This week in Parliament - 23 June 2017

    This week in State Parliament – 23 June 2017

    In State Parliament in the final week before the winter break, Liberal and Nationals MPs opposed the government’s five new stamp duty and property taxes. We were successful in forcing the government to abandon its ... Read More
    This week in Parliament - 8 June 2017

    This week in State Parliament – 8 June 2017

    In State Parliament this week, Liberal and Nationals MPs called on the government to explain how Brighton killer Yacqub Khayre had been released on parole, despite apparently being disqualified under the Callinan reforms because he ... Read More
    This week in Parliament - 25 May 2017

    This week in State Parliament – 25 May 2017

    In State Parliament in a truncated two day sitting week, Liberal and National MPs opposed the government’s new and increased tax measures. These include increasing stamp duty on new vehicles, imposing stamp duty on off-the-plan ... Read More
    This week in State Parliament - 11 May 2017

    This week in State Parliament – 11 May 2017

    In State Parliament this week, Liberal and Nationals MPs called on the government to support the Coalition’s plan for compulsory long minimum jail terms for repeat violent offenders, following the horrific murder in his own ... Read More
    Taxpayers pay for Dan's coverup

    Premier Andrews slugs taxpayers for his failed rorts coverup attempt

    While Don Nardella has been rorting taxpayers for $175,000, Premier Andrews himself has misused an even larger amount of taxpayer funds. He's slugged the taxpayer for hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal bills trying ... Read More
    This week in Parliament 23 March 2017

    This week in State Parliament – 23 March 2017

    This week in State Parliament, Liberal and Nationals MPs called on the Premier to support moves in the Parliament to require Labor’s MP, Don Nardella, to repay the taxpayers’ funds he has pocketed from his ... Read More
    This week in Parliament - 9 March 2017

    This week in State Parliament – 9 March 2017

    In a week with State Parliament in turmoil, Liberal and Nationals MPs opposed Labor’s move to impose a $2 tax on every taxi and Uber ride in Victoria - yet another breaking of Premier Andrews’ ... Read More
  • Liberals have values and ideas to make people’s lives better

    In the wake of the Victorian election defeat, the Liberal Party needs to get back to doing what any political party should always do, namely apply our principles and values to the problems and opportunities ... Read More

    Free rego for red P platers

    A Matthew Guy Liberal Victorian government will give red P-platers a $295 "rego"saving by scrapping the registration component for first-year drivers. Red P platers will pay just the TAC component that helps people injured in ... Read More

    Liberals to provide $195 million for grassroots sport

    The Liberal Nationals have committed $195 million for grassroots sport to help local sports clubs get the facilities they need, as well as upgrading school sports grounds for shared use with community sports clubs. Supporting ... Read More

    Free school books for students under Liberals

    Families with students at government secondary schools will no longer have to pay for school textbooks if a Liberal Nationals state government is elected in November. This will save up to $1,000 a year for ... Read More

    Liberals’ building fund for Catholic and independent schools

    Many Victorian families work hard to earn the money to send their children to Catholic or independent schools. However, those schools receive little state government assistance for new or upgraded buildings. In many parts of ... Read More

    European-style high speed rail for Victoria

    This Liberal Nationals commitment for European-style high speed rail in Victoria has the potential to transform our state, taking the pressure off Melbourne and opening up fast access to and from our regional centres. It ... Read More

    Help for children with autism and their families

    Children with autism and their families can face huge challenges in life. We are still struggling as a society to understand the seemingly ever-growing numbers of children with autism, and how best to give them ... Read More

    A fair go for boaties

    A Victorian Liberal Nationals government will use all of the revenue raised from boat licence and other fees to put $27.7 million a year into upgrading boat ramps, jetties, etc. This is good news for ... Read More

    Better home-based health care

    A Matthew Guy Liberal Nationals Government will provide $175 million in funding to expand community and home-based care, and support for Victorians with chronic disease who can safely be treated outside hospital. This will mean ... Read More
    Labor rort, you pay

    Labor rort, you pay

    Labor have used their numbers to block every attempt to have the Legislative Assembly hold rorting Labor MPs to account. Geoff Shaw was held to account in the previous Parliament, but Labor won't apply the ... Read More

    Liberals to establish Retirement Housing Ombudsman

    A Liberal Nationals government will introduce a Retirement Housing Ombudsman to ensure older Victorians living in retirement housing are treated fairly and honestly and can enjoy a comfortable and secure retirement. It's an initiative I ... Read More

    Protecting our suburbs

    A Liberal Nationals government will introduce strict new planning rules within its first 100 days of office to protect the liveability and character of our residential streets and neighbourhoods. This will help protect suburbs across ... Read More
    Wire rope barriers

    Botched wire rope barrier roll-out puts lives at risk

    The installation of kilometres of wire rope barriers on Victorian country roads so close to the roadway has been an appalling breach of VicRoads' own design guidelines. Sooner or later, it's likely to end in ... Read More
    CIS Palliative care study

    Thousands die in needless pain due to lack of palliative care

    A study released today highlights the huge numbers of people who die in needless pain each year due to lack of palliative care. In Victoria, the government's answer is "voluntary assisted dying" for an estimated ... Read More
    Support for better palliative care

    Liberal Nationals pledge support for palliative care

    When someone is terminally ill, they should be helped to spend cherished time with their loved ones, not left to die in pain because they can’t get proper palliative care. Victoria is fortunate that we ... Read More
    Government forcing more density onto our suburbs

    Government forcing more density onto our suburbs

    The recent changes to planning laws made by the Andrews government are designed to force even more development density into established suburbs. The changes include removing the current two dwellings per block limit in Neighbourhood ... Read More
    Taxpayers pay for Dan's coverup

    Premier Andrews slugs taxpayers for his failed rorts coverup attempt

    While Don Nardella has been rorting taxpayers for $175,000, Premier Andrews himself has misused an even larger amount of taxpayer funds. He's slugged the taxpayer for hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal bills trying ... Read More
    Labor's priority themselves, not Victorians

    Labor’s priority is protecting themselves, not Victorians

    Instead of protecting Victorians, Labor's priority is protecting themselves. This week in State Parliament, the government should have been urgently passing legislation to tackle Victoria's law and order crisis. Instead, their priority is to have ... Read More