

  • GPS ankle bracelets for car-jackers and home invaders

    A Liberal Nationals Victorian government will require criminals who commit home invasions or car jackings to be fitted with GPS tracking anklets when they are released from jail. GPS tracking anklets allow authorities to monitor ... Read More

    Daytime PSOs at stations across Melbourne, including Box Hill

    Protective Services Officers have been a great success in keeping our stations safe and giving people the confidence to travel at night. This Liberal Nationals move to have PSOs during the daytime at Box Hill ... Read More

    4,000 new Tasers for Victoria Police

    A Liberal Nationals government will provide 4,000 new Tasers for Victoria Police to use against violent offenders. Tasers incapacitate an offender with an electric charge so they can be subdued and arrested. With 4,000 additional ... Read More

    The Liberals’ crime solutions

    Over the past three years, there's been a huge increase in violent crime and loss of respect for the law. We need the Liberal Nationals’ solutions to help make our homes and streets safe. From ... Read More
    Make Victoria Safe - Crime Solutions

    Strong plan needed to tackle rising crime

    The latest crime statistics show that home invasions are up by 48% since the Andrews government was elected. Violent crime is continuing to rise in Victoria, even though it is falling in NSW. Thousands of ... Read More
    Victorian crime increases 2017

    Crime in Whitehorse up by 8.8%

    Crime in Whitehorse is up by 8.8% over the past year. Across Victoria, since Daniel Andrews was elected, robbery has increased by 32.4%, sexual offences by 29.8%, home invasions by a massive 54.5%, assault by ... Read More
    The tragic death of Nick Kai Hao

    Should the Brighton killer still have been in jail?

    There is growing evidence Brighton terrorist Jacqub Khayre was released because the government failed to implement a key recommendation of the Callinan parole review, despite telling the community it had done so. If Khayre had ... Read More
    Victoria the crime capital of Australia

    NSW crime rates fall while Victoria’s soar

    As the head of the NSW crime statistics bureau says: "...rates of robbery in NSW are now back to where they were in the late 1970s. Rates of home burglary and motor vehicle theft are ... Read More
    Crime up 20% - time for more police and stronger laws

    Crime up again – we need more police and stronger laws

    It's no wonder people no longer feel safe, with crime in Victoria up 10.2% last year and up 20.2% since 2014. That’s 250 more crimes being committed in Victoria EVERY DAY. Nowhere is spared. In ... Read More

    More problems for Premier’s “tough” night court claim

    More problems have emerged for Premier Andrews’ dodgy claim that his “night court” will toughen up on bail decisions. Not only is his “night court” only sitting until 9pm, but now Victoria Police are warning ... Read More

    Yet another youth justice riot

    Unbelievable. There's been yet another riot by violent juvenile offenders, and this one at the high security Barwon prison. As my colleague Georgie Crozier MP says, the fact that 16 dangerous youth offenders can run ... Read More
    Labor's priority themselves, not Victorians

    Labor’s priority is protecting themselves, not Victorians

    Instead of protecting Victorians, Labor's priority is protecting themselves. This week in State Parliament, the government should have been urgently passing legislation to tackle Victoria's law and order crisis. Instead, their priority is to have ... Read More
  • Government pushes choose your own gender law

    Push for “choose your own gender” law

    Hard to believe, but the Andrews government is trying to push a new law through Parliament to allow people to choose for themselves what sex is listed on their birth certificate, regardless of their biology ... Read More
    Happy families photos aren't a solution

    Child protection “shake-up” misses fundamentals

    Today' Age reports on a government "shake' up" of the child protection residential care system. You'd like to think this “shake-up” will achieve some good, but it’s hard to be hopeful. There are some great ... Read More
    CFMEU let off

    Labor’s multi-million dollar “gift” to CFMEU

    This is a disgrace. Victoria’s Labor State government has effectively handed a multi-million dollar gift to the CFMEU. Last Friday, the government quietly dropped all legal proceedings over the CFMEU’s alleged defiance of Supreme Court ... Read More
    Trading Trust Oppression Remedies

    Small business to benefit from trading trust remedies

    This week brought another example of how Liberal-Nationals governments get on with practical law reform. Each year, thousands of Victorians put their life savings on the line to start small businesses, often in partnership with ... Read More
    Time limits to be removed for child abuse claims

    Coalition’s reforms to remove child abuse limitation periods to proceed

    It is pleasing that the Andrews Government is proceeding with legislation drafted by the Napthine Government to remove all limitation periods for civil claims by victims of criminal child abuse, which was released for public ... Read More
    New wills laws start today

    New laws on wills and inheritance commence today

    New legislation has come into operation today to amend Victoria's laws on wills and inheritance. The legislation, introduced by the Coalition Government, will help ensure families are not caught up in unnecessary disputes and will ... Read More
    No excuses for inaction by new Attorney-General

    No excuses for inaction by new Attorney-General

    Victoria's new Attorney-General, Martin Pakula, has no excuses if he does not introduce a range of significant legislation when Parliament sits later this month. Numerous Bills fully prepared under the Coalition prior to the election ... Read More
    Supreme Court of Victoria nameplate

    Victorian Coalition Government’s Law Reforms and Initiatives

    The Victorian Coalition Government came to office in 2010 determined to repair the damage caused by 11 years of the former Labor government’s soft on crime approach, its hostility towards the courts and the legal ... Read More
    Daniel Andrews' union mates Setka and Reardon

    ACCC takes court action against CFMEU alleging secondary boycott

    The Victorian Government welcomes today’s announcement by the ACCC that it has commenced legal action against the CFMEU and CFMEU officials John Setka and Shaun Reardon over the alleged secondary boycott of Boral. This decision ... Read More
    Supreme Court of Victoria

    New laws to speed up finalisation of appeals to Court of Appeal

    • Reforms to provide for simpler and clearer civil appeals process in Court of Appeal • Supporting Victoria’s courts and improving access to justice • Napthine Government building a better Victoria Civil appeals to Victoria’s ... Read More
    VLRC to investigate how laws can better prevent organised crime

    VLRC to examine laws to prevent organised crime infiltration

    • VLRC to examine the use of regulatory regimes in preventing infiltration of industries or occupations by organised crime • Keeping the law ahead of organised crime • Napthine Government building a safer Victoria The ... Read More
    New surrogacy laws commence today

    Recognition for parents under interstate surrogacy from today

    Attorney-General Robert Clark said new laws to close a gap in Victoria’s surrogacy laws would help a number of families from today. Mr Clark said the new laws allow parents of children born in Victoria ... Read More
    Coalition to improve access to personal injuries compensation

    Coalition to introduce fairer laws for personal injury cases

    • Coalition to improve access to compensation for personal injury victims • Increased protection for victims • Napthine Government building a better Victoria A re-elected Coalition Government will introduce legislation into Parliament to reform the ... Read More
    Coalition to restore asbestos rights

    Better access to compensation for asbestos victims

    The Napthine Government has acted to restore the rights of people suffering asbestos-related conditions as a result of another’s fault. Until recently, those seeking compensation for an asbestos-related condition were not required to show that ... Read More
    New laws to better protect children have now commenced

    Further Betrayal of Trust reforms commence

    • Ministers of religion required to hold a Working with Children Check • An offence to fail to report information about child sexual abuse • Napthine Government building a safer Victoria Further important reforms to ... Read More
    Coalition to removal all time limits on criminal child abuse claims

    Time limits to be scrapped for child abuse claims

    • Time limitations on civil actions for child abuse victims to be removed • Implementing Betrayal of Trust • Napthine Government building a safer Victoria A re-elected Napthine Coalition Government will remove all limitation periods ... Read More
    Napthine Government committed to law-abiding, safe and productive workplaces

    Court of Appeal rejects CFMEU criminal contempt appeal

    The Construction Forestry Mining and Energy Union (CFMEU) has today failed in its attempt to overturn a Supreme Court finding that the CFMEU is guilty of criminal contempt for its blockades of the Grocon Emporium ... Read More
    News laws to help avoid wills disputes

    New wills and surrogacy laws pass Parliament

    Legislation to clarify Victoria’s succession and surrogacy laws has been passed by the Victorian Parliament this afternoon. Attorney-General Robert Clark said the legislation amends Victoria’s succession laws to ensure they operate justly, fairly and in ... Read More
  • More problems for Premier’s “tough” night court claim

    More problems have emerged for Premier Andrews’ dodgy claim that his “night court” will toughen up on bail decisions. Not only is his “night court” only sitting until 9pm, but now Victoria Police are warning ... Read More
    "Tough night court" sham

    “Tough night court” claims a sham

    Premier Daniel Andrews on Monday promised Victorians swift action to establish a “night court” that would toughen up on bail decisions. Now we find this so-called “night court” is sitting only from 5pm to 9pm ... Read More
    Bail laws and attitudes must change

    Law and attitudes on bail must change

    Setting up a “night court”, as the government has announced, isn’t likely to achieve tougher bail decisions unless there are also big changes to the law and to attitudes within the justice system. The Victorian ... Read More
    CFMEU let off

    Labor’s multi-million dollar “gift” to CFMEU

    This is a disgrace. Victoria’s Labor State government has effectively handed a multi-million dollar gift to the CFMEU. Last Friday, the government quietly dropped all legal proceedings over the CFMEU’s alleged defiance of Supreme Court ... Read More
    Retiring magistrate Greg Levine is setting up a new family drug court

    Family Drug Treatment Court turns parents from drugs, reunites with children

    Today's Sunday Age carries a report on the pioneering work of the new Family Drug Treatment Court, under the leadership of Magistrate Greg Levine. It was a project that Minister for Community Services, Mary Wooldridge, ... Read More
    No excuses for inaction by new Attorney-General

    No excuses for inaction by new Attorney-General

    Victoria's new Attorney-General, Martin Pakula, has no excuses if he does not introduce a range of significant legislation when Parliament sits later this month. Numerous Bills fully prepared under the Coalition prior to the election ... Read More
    Supreme Court of Victoria nameplate

    Victorian Coalition Government’s Law Reforms and Initiatives

    The Victorian Coalition Government came to office in 2010 determined to repair the damage caused by 11 years of the former Labor government’s soft on crime approach, its hostility towards the courts and the legal ... Read More
    Law Courts, Melbourne

    Coalition to strengthen appeals against inadequate sentences

    New powers for DPP to appeal against inadequate sentences Reforms to ensure sentences properly protect the community Napthine Coalition Government building a safer Victoria A re-elected Napthine Coalition Government will strengthen the ability of the ... Read More
    Supreme Court of Victoria

    New laws to speed up finalisation of appeals to Court of Appeal

    • Reforms to provide for simpler and clearer civil appeals process in Court of Appeal • Supporting Victoria’s courts and improving access to justice • Napthine Government building a better Victoria Civil appeals to Victoria’s ... Read More
    Law Courts, Melbourne

    New laws to stop vexatious litigants now in force

    • New laws will reduce unjustified and costly claims brought by vexatious litigants • Courts and VCAT now have greater power to block vexatious litigants • Napthine Government improving the justice system New laws to ... Read More
    Opening of new Bendigo court building

    Bendigo court precinct construction complete

    • Construction of $12 million redevelopment of Bendigo court precinct complete • New and improved court facilities and new justice service centre • Napthine Government improving access to justice in regional Victoria The Attorney-General Robert ... Read More
    Youth crime details to be made public

    Coalition to allow publication of serious offenders’ youth crime records

    • Coalition to allow publication of details of serious youth offences for people who commit further serious offences as adults • Adults who commit serious offences will no longer be able to hide their juvenile ... Read More
    VLRC to inquire into victims' roles in criminal trials

    VLRC to examine crime victims’ role in criminal trials

    The Victorian Law Reform Commission (VLRC) is to undertake a detailed inquiry into the role of victims of crime in the criminal trial process. Attorney General Robert Clark today released the terms of reference for ... Read More
    Statewide youth diversion program

    New Children’s Court youth diversion program

    • Napthine Government to establish a new statewide youth diversion program • More than $7 million to help divert young people way from a life of crime • Comprehensive pilot program run by Children’s Court ... Read More
    Napthine Government committed to law-abiding, safe and productive workplaces

    Court of Appeal rejects CFMEU criminal contempt appeal

    The Construction Forestry Mining and Energy Union (CFMEU) has today failed in its attempt to overturn a Supreme Court finding that the CFMEU is guilty of criminal contempt for its blockades of the Grocon Emporium ... Read More
    Melbourne Magistrates Court

    New appointment to the Magistrates’ Court

    Attorney-General Robert Clark today announced the appointment of Timothy Bourke to the Magistrates’ Court of Victoria. Mr Clark said Mr Bourke brought a wealth of experience to the bench. “Mr Bourke has more than 26 ... Read More
    New laws to better protect family violence victims

    New laws to help protect family violence victims passed

    • New laws will further protect and empower victims of family violence and hold perpetrators to account • Ban on reporting cases will be lifted, ensuring perpetrators can no longer hide behind laws intended to ... Read More
    Supreme Court of Victoria

    Improved accountability and choice for funds in court

    Improved accountability for $1.5 billion held in trust by the Supreme Court More information and greater choice for beneficiaries Updating and modernising fund management practices Legislation to modernise the management of funds held by the ... Read More
  • GPS ankle bracelets for car-jackers and home invaders

    A Liberal Nationals Victorian government will require criminals who commit home invasions or car jackings to be fitted with GPS tracking anklets when they are released from jail. GPS tracking anklets allow authorities to monitor ... Read More

    Daytime PSOs at stations across Melbourne, including Box Hill

    Protective Services Officers have been a great success in keeping our stations safe and giving people the confidence to travel at night. This Liberal Nationals move to have PSOs during the daytime at Box Hill ... Read More

    4,000 new Tasers for Victoria Police

    A Liberal Nationals government will provide 4,000 new Tasers for Victoria Police to use against violent offenders. Tasers incapacitate an offender with an electric charge so they can be subdued and arrested. With 4,000 additional ... Read More

    The Liberals’ crime solutions

    Over the past three years, there's been a huge increase in violent crime and loss of respect for the law. We need the Liberal Nationals’ solutions to help make our homes and streets safe. From ... Read More
    Make Victoria Safe - Crime Solutions

    Strong plan needed to tackle rising crime

    The latest crime statistics show that home invasions are up by 48% since the Andrews government was elected. Violent crime is continuing to rise in Victoria, even though it is falling in NSW. Thousands of ... Read More
    Victorian crime increases 2017

    Crime in Whitehorse up by 8.8%

    Crime in Whitehorse is up by 8.8% over the past year. Across Victoria, since Daniel Andrews was elected, robbery has increased by 32.4%, sexual offences by 29.8%, home invasions by a massive 54.5%, assault by ... Read More
    Victoria the crime capital of Australia

    NSW crime rates fall while Victoria’s soar

    As the head of the NSW crime statistics bureau says: "...rates of robbery in NSW are now back to where they were in the late 1970s. Rates of home burglary and motor vehicle theft are ... Read More
    Crime up 20% - time for more police and stronger laws

    Crime up again – we need more police and stronger laws

    It's no wonder people no longer feel safe, with crime in Victoria up 10.2% last year and up 20.2% since 2014. That’s 250 more crimes being committed in Victoria EVERY DAY. Nowhere is spared. In ... Read More

    More problems for Premier’s “tough” night court claim

    More problems have emerged for Premier Andrews’ dodgy claim that his “night court” will toughen up on bail decisions. Not only is his “night court” only sitting until 9pm, but now Victoria Police are warning ... Read More

    Yet another youth justice riot

    Unbelievable. There's been yet another riot by violent juvenile offenders, and this one at the high security Barwon prison. As my colleague Georgie Crozier MP says, the fact that 16 dangerous youth offenders can run ... Read More
    Labor's priority themselves, not Victorians

    Labor’s priority is protecting themselves, not Victorians

    Instead of protecting Victorians, Labor's priority is protecting themselves. This week in State Parliament, the government should have been urgently passing legislation to tackle Victoria's law and order crisis. Instead, their priority is to have ... Read More
    Victoria Car Theft Capital

    Victoria – the nation’s car theft capital

    Victoria is the nation’s car theft capital after racking up 17,900 car thefts between July 2015 and June 2016, the latest statistics show. That’s a whopping 36.83% of Australia’s car thefts that are happening right ... Read More
    "Tough night court" sham

    “Tough night court” claims a sham

    Premier Daniel Andrews on Monday promised Victorians swift action to establish a “night court” that would toughen up on bail decisions. Now we find this so-called “night court” is sitting only from 5pm to 9pm ... Read More
    Innocent victims suffer again from soft justice

    Innocent Victorians suffer again from soft justice

    Yet again, innocent Victorians are paying the price for a weak justice system and a soft on crime government. There have been riot after riot by juvenile inmates, yet the government has just let them ... Read More
    Bail laws and attitudes must change

    Law and attitudes on bail must change

    Setting up a “night court”, as the government has announced, isn’t likely to achieve tougher bail decisions unless there are also big changes to the law and to attitudes within the justice system. The Victorian ... Read More
    Home invasions up 36 per cent in a year

    Crime skyrockets, with home invasions up 36% in a year

    The latest crime statistics are out today, with more huge increases in crime rates, particularly violent crime. Assaults are up 13%, robberies are up 21% and home invasions are up a massive 36% - an ... Read More
    Dan's late scramble

    Dan’s week of spin on law and safety

    After ignoring calls for action for weeks, Premier Andrews now says he wants to rush through legislation to keep Craig Minogue behind bars in the last three days of Parliament for the year. The Premier’s ... Read More
    City of Mel-burg

    Burglaries soar with police shortages and weak laws

    Having your home invaded and trashed by strangers is a terrible experience, but offenders are often never caught or simply let out on bail to go straight back to more burglaries. We need more frontline ... Read More
  • The Liberals’ crime solutions

    Over the past three years, there's been a huge increase in violent crime and loss of respect for the law. We need the Liberal Nationals’ solutions to help make our homes and streets safe. From ... Read More
    Make Victoria Safe - Crime Solutions

    Strong plan needed to tackle rising crime

    The latest crime statistics show that home invasions are up by 48% since the Andrews government was elected. Violent crime is continuing to rise in Victoria, even though it is falling in NSW. Thousands of ... Read More
    The tragic death of Nick Kai Hao

    Should the Brighton killer still have been in jail?

    There is growing evidence Brighton terrorist Jacqub Khayre was released because the government failed to implement a key recommendation of the Callinan parole review, despite telling the community it had done so. If Khayre had ... Read More
    Crime up 20% - time for more police and stronger laws

    Crime up again – we need more police and stronger laws

    It's no wonder people no longer feel safe, with crime in Victoria up 10.2% last year and up 20.2% since 2014. That’s 250 more crimes being committed in Victoria EVERY DAY. Nowhere is spared. In ... Read More
    Innocent victims suffer again from soft justice

    Innocent Victorians suffer again from soft justice

    Yet again, innocent Victorians are paying the price for a weak justice system and a soft on crime government. There have been riot after riot by juvenile inmates, yet the government has just let them ... Read More
    Dan's late scramble

    Dan’s week of spin on law and safety

    After ignoring calls for action for weeks, Premier Andrews now says he wants to rush through legislation to keep Craig Minogue behind bars in the last three days of Parliament for the year. The Premier’s ... Read More
    City of Mel-burg

    Burglaries soar with police shortages and weak laws

    Having your home invaded and trashed by strangers is a terrible experience, but offenders are often never caught or simply let out on bail to go straight back to more burglaries. We need more frontline ... Read More

    “Tough” new laws won’t apply to teen gangs

    It’s good to see arrests made after yet another terrible home invasion, but unfortunately the teen gang offenders involved are likely to receive the same sort of soft penalties being given to most other juvenile ... Read More
    Government must act on soaring youth crime

    Government must act on youth crime

    How much must youth crime increase before the Andrews government finally gets the message that its soft on crime approach has got to change? The government should have been acting to tackle youth crime a ... Read More
    Labor exempted these rioters from move on laws

    Rioting protesters exempted from move-on laws

    We've had yet another riot in Melbourne over the past weekend. The Andrews government repealed the Coalition’s move-on laws that gave police power to head off violent protests before they started, and now the community ... Read More
    Crime gangs fearless as Labor lets it happen

    Carjackings soar by 80 per cent

    Where has Victoria got to when people can’t even drive on our streets in their own car without risking being rammed, attacked and robbed by an armed gang of violent youths? This is what you ... Read More
    Crime soars as police look powerless

    Crime soars as police look powerless

    Victoria’s soaring crime rate shows the folly of the state government’s soft approach to crime, with crime up by 12.4 per cent and violent gangs thinking nothing of robbing and terrorising families in their own ... Read More
    Prison rioters must face the consequences

    Prison rioters must face the consequences

    It looks as though some of last year's "smoking ban" prison rioters will face minimal consequences, with the main charges against them being dropped. These riots showed complete contempt for the law and for authority, ... Read More

    Juvenile offenders get let off after home invasion bashing?

    Today's Herald Sun reports that two Apex gang members who bashed an elderly couple in their home got let off with six month probation and no conviction. If accurate, this report is very worrying indeed ... Read More
    End bail bonanza

    Government admits weakened bail law problems

    The government has now finally admitted the Chief Commissioner of Police has big problems with their watered down bail laws for juvenile offenders, after claiming less than 24 hours ago that Victoria Police supported these ... Read More
    Michael car-jacked and robbed in Toorak Road

    Juvenile gang crime turns to carjackings and home invasions

    It's appalling that someone simply driving home along a Melbourne street can have their car deliberately rammed and then be bashed and robbed. But that's what has happened to a Melbourne man who was simply ... Read More
    More costs from bungled prison smoking ban

    More costs from bungled prison smoking ban

    The costs for taxpayers continue to grow from last year's bungled introduction of smoking bans in Victorian prisons. Prisons smoking bans have been introduced without a hitch in New Zealand, Northern Territory, New South Wales, ... Read More
    Labor to let criminals off for their unpaid fines

    Labor to let criminals wipe unpaid fines

    While Premier Daniel Andrews talks tough about crime in public, behind the scenes his government is changing the law so criminals who get sent to jail will be let off their unpaid fines! This means ... Read More
  • Happy families photos aren't a solution

    Child protection “shake-up” misses fundamentals

    Today' Age reports on a government "shake' up" of the child protection residential care system. You'd like to think this “shake-up” will achieve some good, but it’s hard to be hopeful. There are some great ... Read More
    Our refusal to tolerate child sexualisation should be universal

    Sexualisation of children should not be tolerated

    Today’s Herald Sun editorial sums up well the concerns many parents will have about the new “Respectful Relationships” program to be made compulsory in all Victorian state schools from next year: “Many parents will be ... Read More
    Family violence - time for action

    Family violence – time for action

    Among the many media reports on yesterday's Family Violence Royal Commission report, the front page of today's Herald Sun sums it up well - "Time for Action". The government has made a big investment in ... Read More
    Labor's disgraceful cuts to family violence programs

    Labor’s disgraceful cuts to family violence programs

    Today’s Sunday Age reports on the disgraceful cuts to family violence programs being made by the Victorian Labor government. At the same time as Daniel Andrews announced he would spend $40 million on a Royal ... Read More
    New Minister must reverse family violence cuts

    New Minister must reverse Labor’s family violence cuts

    At the same time as Daniel Andrews announced he would spend $40 million on a Royal Commission into Family Violence, Labor's policy costing document released two days before the election shows Labor plan to cut ... Read More
    Supreme Court of Victoria nameplate

    Victorian Coalition Government’s Law Reforms and Initiatives

    The Victorian Coalition Government came to office in 2010 determined to repair the damage caused by 11 years of the former Labor government’s soft on crime approach, its hostility towards the courts and the legal ... Read More
    Four year minimums for attack in breach of family violence orders

    Four year minimum jail terms for attacks in breach of family violence orders

    Strong penalties for attacks in breach of family violence orders Four year minimum jail term for perpetrators under strong new laws Napthine Government building a safer Victoria Family violence perpetrators who seriously injure their victim ... Read More
    New laws to better protect family violence victims

    New laws in force to better protect family violence victims

    • New laws further protect victims of family violence • Ban on reporting criminal cases lifted, empowering victims and ensuring perpetrators can no longer hide behind laws intended to protect victims • Napthine Government building ... Read More
    New laws to better protect family violence victims

    New laws to help protect family violence victims passed

    • New laws will further protect and empower victims of family violence and hold perpetrators to account • Ban on reporting cases will be lifted, ensuring perpetrators can no longer hide behind laws intended to ... Read More
    Family Violence prevention initiatives

    Record investment by Napthine Government to prevent family violence

    • Victorian Coalition Government invests an additional $150 million to prevent violence against women and children • Wide-ranging new measures to address prevention, safety and accountability • Napthine Government building a safer Victoria A comprehensive ... Read More
    New family violence laws

    New laws to better protect victims of family violence

    New laws will further protect and empower victims of family violence and hold perpetrators to account Ban on reporting cases will be lifted, ensuring perpetrators can no longer hide behind laws intended to protect victims ... Read More

    Family Drug Treatment Court to help get lives back on track

    The Victorian Coalition Government is establishing Australia’s first Family Drug Treatment Court, to improve the safety and wellbeing of young children who have been removed from their parents as a result of alcohol and drug ... Read More

    New laws to further protect children from sexual abuse

    The Victorian Coalition Government will today introduce legislation into Parliament to create two additional criminal offences that will further protect children from sexual abuse. The introduction of these offences is the next stage in the ... Read More

    Less adversarial child protection proceedings for vulnerable children

    Legislation introduced into Parliament today will reform child protection proceedings in the Children’s Court to better focus on the best interests of the child. The amendments to the Children, Youth and Families Act, jointly developed ... Read More

    Government taking strong action on family violence

    (The following is the full text of a letter to the editor published in The Age in edited form on 5 June 2013.) Dear Editor Your editorial's claim that the Coroners Court's systemic review of ... Read More

    New Victorian Aboriginal Justice Agreement signed

    The Victorian Coalition Government has re-affirmed its commitment to address Koori disadvantage in the justice system with the signing today of the third Aboriginal Justice Agreement. The agreement embodies a commitment on behalf of various ... Read More

    Coalition Government delivers on justice

    The Victorian Coalition Government has allocated funds in this year's Budget for a range of initiatives to support and strengthen Victoria's justice system and protect the most vulnerable Victorians. Attorney-General Robert Clark said Victoria Legal ... Read More

    $9 million support for community legal centres

    The Victorian Government has provided funds in today's State Budget to ensure people in rural and regional Victoria and people needing advice on family violence matters will continue to have access to help from Community ... Read More
  • Supreme Court of Victoria nameplate

    Victorian Coalition Government’s Law Reforms and Initiatives

    The Victorian Coalition Government came to office in 2010 determined to repair the damage caused by 11 years of the former Labor government’s soft on crime approach, its hostility towards the courts and the legal ... Read More
    Ballarat Farming and Rural CLC announcement

    Coalition to support establishment of new Rural and Farming Legal Centre

    • Coalition to support establishment of a new Rural and Farming Legal Centre • $2 million in funding to assist farmers and Victorians in rural areas • Napthine Government improving access to justice in country ... Read More
    Coalition to crack down on rogue debt collectors

    Coalition to clean up debt collection industry

    • Coalition to act on criminal infiltration of debt collection industry • New register of debt collectors to be established • Napthine Government building a safer Victoria A re-elected Napthine Coalition Government will legislate to ... Read More
    Supreme Court of Victoria

    Uniform Legal Services Council appointed

    Victorian Attorney-General Robert Clark and NSW Attorney General Brad Hazzard today jointly announced the appointment of the inaugural members of the newly established Uniform Legal Services Council. “The Council will play a key role in ... Read More

    Assistant Freedom of Information Commissioners appointed

    Attorney-General Robert Clark today announced the appointment of two Assistant Freedom of Information (FOI) Commissioners, Mr Michael Ison and Ms Rachel Westaway. Earlier this year, the Government announced it would further strengthen the work of ... Read More
    Greg Davies

    Victoria’s first Commissioner for Victims of Crime

    Attorney-General Robert Clark today announced the appointment of former Police Association Secretary, Mr Greg Davies APM, as Victoria’s first Commissioner for Victims of Crime. “As Commissioner, Greg Davies’ role will be to ensure that the ... Read More
    New laws to strengthen privacy protections

    New era for privacy and data protection

    New Privacy and Data Protection Act replaces Information Privacy Act Coalition mending the data protection holes left by Labor Napthine Government building a safer Victoria Victoria’s new Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 has come ... Read More

    Reforms to further strengthen Victoria’s integrity regime

    Range of new measures to strengthen Victoria’s integrity regime Delivers on Government’s commitment to respond to integrity body suggestions Builds on Coalition’s establishment of Victoria’s first anti-corruption commission The Victorian Coalition Government will introduce legislation ... Read More

    Legal Services Commissioner reappointed

    Attorney-General Robert Clark today announced the reappointment of Michael McGarvie as Legal Services Commissioner for a further term of five years. “Mr McGarvie has a demonstrated commitment to upholding standards and integrity within Victoria’s legal ... Read More

    Uniform Legal Services Commissioner appointed

    New South Wales and Victorian Attorneys General Brad Hazzard and Robert Clark today announced the appointment of former head of the Australian Government Solicitor, Dale Boucher, as the inaugural Commissioner for Uniform Legal Services Regulation ... Read More
    New legislation to strengthen working with children checks

    Stronger working with children laws passed

    Legislation to strengthen working with children laws was passed by the Victorian Parliament last night. Under the new legislation, all work done by a minister of religion, regardless of religion, faith or congregation, will be ... Read More
    Strengthening the roles of honorary justices

    New Act strengthens role of honorary justices

    The new Honorary Justices Act 2014 takes effect today, for the first time consolidating the law relating to Bail Justices and Justices of the Peace into a single Act. Attorney-General, Robert Clark, said the new ... Read More
    Parliament of Victoria

    New law to streamline election procedures

    Legislation brought into the Victorian Parliament today will help simplify a number of election procedures ahead of this year’s state election. Attorney-General Robert Clark said the changes would simplify enrolment and postal vote procedures, improve ... Read More

    New appointment to the Victorian Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission Board

    The Attorney-General Robert Clark today announced the appointment of Megan Boston to the Board of the Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission. Mr Clark said Ms Boston brought a wealth of experience to the ... Read More
    Parliament of Victoria

    Reforms to strengthen working with children check laws

    Ministers of religion will be expressly required to hold working with children checks under reforms introduced into Parliament today. The new requirement will implement an important recommendation of the Betrayal of Trust report arising from ... Read More

    New framework for privacy and data protection and information sharing

    The Coalition Government today introduced legislation into Parliament to strengthen the protection of individuals’ private information held by the Victorian public sector. The Bill merges the existing roles of Privacy Commissioner and the Commissioner for ... Read More

    Coalition Government further strengthens Freedom of Information

    • Two Assistant FOI Commissioner positions • Education and training capacity strengthened The Victorian Coalition Government is further delivering on its commitment to strengthen freedom of information. The Coalition Government for the first time in ... Read More

    Budget strengthens Victoria’s justice system

    • Victorian Coalition Government delivering improved court facilities • Additional staff to assist with personal safety intervention orders • Coalition Government building a better, safer Victoria The Victorian Coalition Government’s 2014-15 Victorian State Budget will ... Read More