
Industrial Relations

  • Bullied out of Victoria's fire services

    Royal Commission needed to fix our fire services

    More than 300 years of combined experience have been lost with the number of senior firefighting personnel who have been bullied out of their jobs by Premier Daniel Andrews. These are people who have sacrificed ... Read More
    Andrews must act on Melbourne port picket

    Andrews must act on Melbourne port picket

    Premier Daniel Andrews needs to act urgently to end the picket currently blockading the Webb Dock terminal at the Port of Melbourne. The picket, manned by members of the Maritime Union of Australia and the ... Read More
    Tearing the CFA apart

    CFA break-up gives union more power and downgrades volunteers

    The changes to Victoria's firefighting services announced by Premier Andrews today will allow firefighter union bosses to obtain greater control and veto powers not just over the CFA, but over Victoria's entire combined paid firefighting ... Read More
    Labor seeks power for more UFU-style deals with unions

    Labor seeks power for more UFU-style deals with unions

    The Liberal Nationals Coalition will oppose a move by the Andrews Government to give itself the power to do more UFU-style deals with public sector unions. The Fair Work (Commonwealth Powers) Amendment Bill is being ... Read More
    Costs soar but ambulances arrive no quicker

    Costs soar, but ambulances arrive no quicker

    Before the election, Daniel Andrews told Victorians our ambulance system was in crisis and he would fix it. It's now become clear all Mr Andrews has “fixed” is an expensive pay deal with the paramedics ... Read More

    Victoria hit by construction industry disruption

    Thanks to the Andrews Government’s abolition of the Victorian Code of Practice for the Building and Construction Industry, Victoria has been left wide open to union thuggery and intimidation in the construction industry. Across the ... Read More

    Unions clip Victorian taxpayers’ ticket

    Yet again, the costs of Victorian infrastructure projects are being driven up by massive pay deals under a Labor government - just like the desalination plant. As today's The Australian reports, construction workers for Melbourne's ... Read More

    CUB picket bullying caught on camera

    Premier Andrews should be condemning the thuggery and bullying on the CUB picket line, not urging the unions to keep their picket going. Backing this rogue union campaign against one of Victoria's best known companies ... Read More

    Picket line thuggery continues

    The thuggery continues at this picket line against CUB backed by the Andrews government, with a cowardly attack on an ordinary worker simply trying to do his job. The Fair Work Commission has already made ... Read More
    Dan's IR Minister backs rogue union disruption

    IR Minister backs union disruption

    This rogue union campaign against CUB is completely outside the Fair Work Act. Yet instead of condemning their actions, Victoria’s Industrial Relations Minister is urging them on. Her job should be about resolving disputes within ... Read More
    Secret CFA negotiations revealed

    Secret CFA negotiations show Premier knew of problems

    The secret negotiations revealed by the Herald Sun today show Premier Andrews knew there were big problems with Fair Work's recommended CFA deal at the same time he was out there telling volunteers there was ... Read More
    Deal risks CFA's future - Jack Rush QC

    Deal risks CFA’s future – Jack Rush QC

    The Herald Sun has published a powerful assessment of the CFA crisis by Jack Rush QC, the highly regarded counsel to Victoria’s Bushfires Royal Commission. Premier Andrews wanted the CFA to break the law. The ... Read More

    Victoria hit by construction industry disruption

    Thanks to the Andrews Government’s abolition of the Victorian Code of Practice for the Building and Construction Industry, Victoria has been left wide open to union thuggery and intimidation in the construction industry. Across the ... Read More
    Pay deal to drive up infrastructure costs

    Pay rise deal to pressure costs and jobs

    The massive pay rise for construction workers that some big builders have agreed to give will add hundreds of millions of dollars to the cost of Victorian public infrastructure if it flows throughout the building ... Read More
    CFMEU fined millions for unlawful actions

    CFMEU fined $ millions for unlawful conduct

    Figures in today's Australian newspaper confirm the CFMEU's appalling record of thuggery and lawlessness in Victoria. Yet, instead of condemning the CFMEU and cutting his ties with them, Premier Andrews does the CFMEU's bidding, abolishing ... Read More
    Labor forces bosses to give workers details to unions

    ACT Labor hands workers’ details to unions

    How would you feel if your boss could only do work for a Labor government if they agreed to hand over your personal details to a union, which could then visit you at home and ... Read More
    Police call for action on CFMEU

    Victoria Police call for action on CFMEU

    After Victoria Police's damning assessment of criminal activity in the CFMEU and the building industry, as reported in today's Herald Sun, the Andrews government can’t just continue to pretend there isn't a problem. Premier Andrews ... Read More
    Bob Hawke joins calls for action on CFMEU

    Bob Hawke joins call to clean up union movement

    Former Prime Minister, Bob Hawke, has joined the long list of past union and Labor leaders calling for action to clean up the union movement. As Bob Hawke says, he was prepared to act against ... Read More
    The Age - Unions: status quo is not an option

    Union reform – we must seize the opportunity

    The Labor Party and the union movement are increasingly isolated in denying there’s a big problem with Australia's unions that needs to be fixed. Today’s Age editorial sums it up well “The commission had been ... Read More
    Royal Commission final report

    Royal Commission report – union rorting culture must be cleaned up

    Today’s Trade Union Royal Commission report has confirmed the deep seated culture of rorting and abuse of office that has corrupted Australia’s union movement. Time and time again, union officials have been exposed as putting ... Read More
    More lawlessness by CFMEU

    More lawlessness by CFMEU

    Yet another massive fine has been imposed on the CFMEU for unlawful conduct – this time for threatening to put a scaffolding company out of business because it refused to employ a CFMEU shop steward ... Read More
    Further deals scrutiny ahead

    Royal Commission to resume scrutiny of AWU deals

    Today's Age reports further Royal Commission scrutiny is coming up this week of allegations of misuse of office by union officials, including Federal Opposition Leader Bill Shorten. The Age reports TURC will resume investigation into ... Read More
    CFMEU let off

    Labor’s multi-million dollar “gift” to CFMEU

    This is a disgrace. Victoria’s Labor State government has effectively handed a multi-million dollar gift to the CFMEU. Last Friday, the government quietly dropped all legal proceedings over the CFMEU’s alleged defiance of Supreme Court ... Read More
    Daniel Andrews must clean up his union mess

    Daniel Andrews must clean up his union mess

    Another day, another union in the headlines. Today it’s the CFMEU, forced to pay $3.5 million compensation to Grocon for its illegal Emporium blockade. Yesterday, it was the AWU, Bill Shorten and kickback allegations. Before ... Read More
    Building watchdog details CFMEU threats against female inspectors

    Watchdog details CFMEU threats against female inspectors

    Today’s Herald Sun carries further allegations that female building inspectors have been spat on, called sexually offensive names and received abusive late night phone calls from CFMEU officials. The on-line Herald Sun includes audio of ... Read More
    Royal Commission raises far reaching options for union reform

    Royal Commission raises far-reaching options for union reform

    The Trade Unions Royal Commission has today released a discussion paper putting forward options for far-reaching reform of the laws regulating Australia’s trade unions and union officials. The way trade unions are run has profound ... Read More
    CFMEU's 28m hit to jobs

    CFMEU’s $28 million hit to jobs and investment

    Today’s Herald-Sun reports that the cost of the CFMEU’s ban on concrete company Boral has now reached a massive $28 million. That’s $28 million of damage to jobs, investment and confidence in our State, with ... Read More
    When the CFMEU shouts, Daniel Andrews does what he's told

    Union officials fined and banned for thuggery

    Today's newspapers carry two separate reports on union officials being fined or banned for illegal or threatening behaviour. The Age and Herald Sun both report on fines totalling $43,000 imposed on the CFMEU and two ... Read More
    When the CFMEU shouts

    CFMEU calls the tune on Premier Andrews

    In January this year, Daniel Andrews abolished drug and alcohol testing on Victorian government building sites after the ‪#‎CFMEU‬ had called it an "attack on workers".Today, the CFMEU announced they've changed their policy and now ... Read More
    Mike Kane CEO Boral on Lateline 25Mar15

    Boral CEO highlights need for ABCC

    A powerful interview by Mike Kane, CEO of Boral, about the conduct of the CFMEU and the need to bring back the Australian Building and Construction Commission to restore the rule of law on building ... Read More
  • Bullied out of Victoria's fire services

    Royal Commission needed to fix our fire services

    More than 300 years of combined experience have been lost with the number of senior firefighting personnel who have been bullied out of their jobs by Premier Daniel Andrews. These are people who have sacrificed ... Read More
    Tearing the CFA apart

    CFA break-up gives union more power and downgrades volunteers

    The changes to Victoria's firefighting services announced by Premier Andrews today will allow firefighter union bosses to obtain greater control and veto powers not just over the CFA, but over Victoria's entire combined paid firefighting ... Read More
    Labor seeks power for more UFU-style deals with unions

    Labor seeks power for more UFU-style deals with unions

    The Liberal Nationals Coalition will oppose a move by the Andrews Government to give itself the power to do more UFU-style deals with public sector unions. The Fair Work (Commonwealth Powers) Amendment Bill is being ... Read More
    Costs soar but ambulances arrive no quicker

    Costs soar, but ambulances arrive no quicker

    Before the election, Daniel Andrews told Victorians our ambulance system was in crisis and he would fix it. It's now become clear all Mr Andrews has “fixed” is an expensive pay deal with the paramedics ... Read More

    Unions clip Victorian taxpayers’ ticket

    Yet again, the costs of Victorian infrastructure projects are being driven up by massive pay deals under a Labor government - just like the desalination plant. As today's The Australian reports, construction workers for Melbourne's ... Read More
    Secret CFA negotiations revealed

    Secret CFA negotiations show Premier knew of problems

    The secret negotiations revealed by the Herald Sun today show Premier Andrews knew there were big problems with Fair Work's recommended CFA deal at the same time he was out there telling volunteers there was ... Read More
    Deal risks CFA's future - Jack Rush QC

    Deal risks CFA’s future – Jack Rush QC

    The Herald Sun has published a powerful assessment of the CFA crisis by Jack Rush QC, the highly regarded counsel to Victoria’s Bushfires Royal Commission. Premier Andrews wanted the CFA to break the law. The ... Read More
    Premier's claims can't be be believed

    Government wrote announcement for new CFA CEO

    Last Friday, Premier Andrews’ new puppet CFA Board announced they had appointed a new CEO within hours of former CEO, Lucinda Nolan, being forced to resign. Now the CFA have admitted their announcement was written ... Read More
    CFA - reckless board and two-faced Premier

    Puppet CFA Board rubber-stamps new CEO

    Yet more duplicity from Premier Daniel Andrews. Last Tuesday, he told Victorians the future of the CFA’s CEO was nothing to do with him. Yet on Friday, his newly appointed puppet CFA Board was able ... Read More
    Bill Shorten stays silent on UFU

    Bill Shorten silent on UFU control over CFA

    Bill Shorten has weighed into the issue of council amalgamations in NSW, but he won’t say a word to condemn the UFU taking control over the CFA in Victoria. In contrast, Malcolm Turnbull has made ... Read More
    Is Labor's CFA Board sacking illegal?

    Is Labor’s sacking of CFA Board illegal?

    Not only has Premier Andrews acted like a thug and a bully in sacking the CFA Board, but both the Premier and the Deputy Premier, James Merlino, may have broken Federal and State laws and ... Read More
    Scorched Earth

    Andrews scorches CFA Board and Minister

    Emergency Services Minister, Jane Garrett, resigned because she knows and cares about the enormous harm that handing control over the CFA to the firefighters union will do. The tragedy is that no other Andrews government ... Read More
    Premier calls Cabinet crisis meeting to sell out the CFA

    Premier moves to sell out the CFA

    Unbelievable. A senior Andrews government Minister is caught out for misleading the Parliament, and then has the nerve to claim it was because she “mis-spoke”, even though she had read out every word of her ... Read More
    CFA must be saved from UFU takeover

    CFA must be saved from UFU takeover

    Stubborn and fanatical. It’s a dangerous combination in a leader for any state or country, but that’s what Victoria’s got in Daniel Andrews. East West Link, Skyrail, Marxist sex theories in our schools, and now ... Read More
    Big rail pay rises mean higher taxes and fares

    Big rail pay rises mean higher taxes and fares

    Taxpayers and commuters face higher fares and payments to rail operators after rail unions were yesterday given big pay rises to call off strikes that threatened level crossing removals. It looks as though yet again ... Read More
    Strike threat back on as rail union demands more

    Train strike threats return as union demands more

    Commuters are facing more looming train strikes as the rail union’s demands continue. Last time the rail union called strikes, Public Transport Minister Jacinta Allan quickly forced Metro and Yarra Trams to give them what ... Read More
    Here we go again - more train strikes threatened

    More train strikes threatened

    Here we go again, with the rail union threatening train strikes in support of massive pay claims for infrastructure workers, following last year's strikes by train drivers. It’s no wonder the rail union is threatening ... Read More
    Nurses' rally

    Expensive pay deal with nurses union

    Generous and expensive pay deals just keep on coming under Daniel Andrews. Nurses, like everyone else, are entitled to fair and reasonable pay rises for the valuable work they do. However, these are big increases, ... Read More
  • Andrews must act on Melbourne port picket

    Andrews must act on Melbourne port picket

    Premier Daniel Andrews needs to act urgently to end the picket currently blockading the Webb Dock terminal at the Port of Melbourne. The picket, manned by members of the Maritime Union of Australia and the ... Read More

    Unions clip Victorian taxpayers’ ticket

    Yet again, the costs of Victorian infrastructure projects are being driven up by massive pay deals under a Labor government - just like the desalination plant. As today's The Australian reports, construction workers for Melbourne's ... Read More

    CUB picket bullying caught on camera

    Premier Andrews should be condemning the thuggery and bullying on the CUB picket line, not urging the unions to keep their picket going. Backing this rogue union campaign against one of Victoria's best known companies ... Read More

    Picket line thuggery continues

    The thuggery continues at this picket line against CUB backed by the Andrews government, with a cowardly attack on an ordinary worker simply trying to do his job. The Fair Work Commission has already made ... Read More
    Dan's IR Minister backs rogue union disruption

    IR Minister backs union disruption

    This rogue union campaign against CUB is completely outside the Fair Work Act. Yet instead of condemning their actions, Victoria’s Industrial Relations Minister is urging them on. Her job should be about resolving disputes within ... Read More
    CFMEU threaten strikes and higher power prices

    CFMEU threaten higher power bills

    Victorian families are already struggling to make ends meet, the last thing they need is higher power bills due to outrageous union wage demands. The problem is unions have seen whenever they threaten a strike, ... Read More
    Big rail pay rises mean higher taxes and fares

    Big rail pay rises mean higher taxes and fares

    Taxpayers and commuters face higher fares and payments to rail operators after rail unions were yesterday given big pay rises to call off strikes that threatened level crossing removals. It looks as though yet again ... Read More
    Strike threat back on as rail union demands more

    Train strike threats return as union demands more

    Commuters are facing more looming train strikes as the rail union’s demands continue. Last time the rail union called strikes, Public Transport Minister Jacinta Allan quickly forced Metro and Yarra Trams to give them what ... Read More
    Money for mates but not to fight carjackings

    $10 million for Trades Hall, but none to fight car jackings

    Premier Andrews can find $10 million of taxpayers' money to tip into refurbishing his union backers' HQ, but he turns down a plea by police for $300,000 to fight violent car jackings. Let's hope Bill ... Read More
    Here we go again - more train strikes threatened

    More train strikes threatened

    Here we go again, with the rail union threatening train strikes in support of massive pay claims for infrastructure workers, following last year's strikes by train drivers. It’s no wonder the rail union is threatening ... Read More
    Labor - more rorting and branch-stacking

    Union membership rorting goes to heart of Labor’s credibility

    The allegations in today's The Age of massive rorting of membership numbers by the Plumbers Union go the heart of Labor’s credibility as a political party. Union numbers are crucial to deciding who becomes a ... Read More
    Labor forces bosses to give workers details to unions

    ACT Labor hands workers’ details to unions

    How would you feel if your boss could only do work for a Labor government if they agreed to hand over your personal details to a union, which could then visit you at home and ... Read More
    Bob Hawke joins calls for action on CFMEU

    Bob Hawke joins call to clean up union movement

    Former Prime Minister, Bob Hawke, has joined the long list of past union and Labor leaders calling for action to clean up the union movement. As Bob Hawke says, he was prepared to act against ... Read More
    The Age - Unions: status quo is not an option

    Union reform – we must seize the opportunity

    The Labor Party and the union movement are increasingly isolated in denying there’s a big problem with Australia's unions that needs to be fixed. Today’s Age editorial sums it up well “The commission had been ... Read More
    Royal Commission final report

    Royal Commission report – union rorting culture must be cleaned up

    Today’s Trade Union Royal Commission report has confirmed the deep seated culture of rorting and abuse of office that has corrupted Australia’s union movement. Time and time again, union officials have been exposed as putting ... Read More
    Rail reforms lost as Labor puts brakes on Metro

    Reforms lost as Labor puts brakes on Metro

    Bad news for Melbourne commuters today, with confirmation that the State Labor government has forced Metro to abandon almost all of the reforms needed bring our rail system into the 21st century. As a result, ... Read More
    When will Daniel Andrews stand up for workers

    When will Daniel Andrews finally stand up for workers?

    When will Premier Daniel Andrews finally stand up for workers and stop protecting those in his ranks who have rorted the system and sold workers out? Counsel for the Trade Unions Royal Commission has now ... Read More
    Former ACTU Presidents back trade union law reform

    Calls grow for trade union law reform

    It’s good news that wise heads in the union movement see that trade union law reform will be good for workers and honest unionists, and are prepared to speak out, as reported in today's The ... Read More